Foranalyse med DTTT
Project: The Future of the digital user journey for tourists
The project is executed by DTTT (Digital Tourism Think Tank) and VisitDenmark together with the local DMO´s and commercial partners. Throughout the project we have been working on theses 5 hypotheses – read them her.
In the final presentation, DTTT will uncover their findings and learnings as well as their recommendations to the Danish Tourism industry on the up-and-coming tender offer, regarding the website-platform, and where, we as DMO´s should strengthen our digital presence.
Sum up:
- Final presentation of the project: The Future of the digital user journey for tourists
- Specially focusing of the 5 hypotheses
- 2 hours via Teams and the presentation will be in English
- Possible to ask questions at the end
- The outcome is DTTT´s strategic guidance towards the coming requirement specification of the website-platform and where we as DMO´s can strengthen our digital position in the years 2025 – 2030
- All Danish DMO´s
- Commercial partners who have been involved within the project
- VisitDenmark
Outcome of the project:
- Video of the presentation from DTTT
- Final - Executive Report
- Final - Presentation
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